Friday, February 01, 2008

Quick, Quick Post

'Cause we're moving. Faster than we might have thought. They turned the water off before we thought they were. Like, already. It was supposed to be just a switchover, from us paying the water to the rental company paying it, but they turned it off. So I guess we're moving a bed, and dirty dishes (because I was waiting till after lunch to wash them), and staying there tonight till we can move the rest of the stuff.

Went in to train at the new job yesterday. I think I'm really going to enjoy it, though there's a lot of technical tricks and style things I'm going to have to learn. Probably need an AP style guide for a few days. Anyway--more later, after we get the internet cable hooked up on Monday.

1 comment:

Natasha Moore said...

Good luck with the move, Gail!